Yes, we had a terrific Christmas. Hallie really understood it this year, which is why we wanted to stay home, in our own house, this holiday. This is the first time since Brett and I have known each other, that we have stayed in Memphis for Christmas. It was important for us that Hallie wake up in her own home to see presents under the tree from Santa Claus. And boy, if you could have seen the look on her face when she came downstairs and found a toy kitchen set up and ready for action! We watched The Little Mermaid and ate pancakes and sausage and stayed in our pajamas most of the day. It was wonderful.
Brett was surprised when he opened his gift from Hallie and me--a digital frame. I knew he'd love it, he's such gizmo guy! He, of course, went upstairs and downloaded dozens of pictures on it right away.
I received just what I wanted--a new bath robe and the Jimmy Buffett DVD Live at Wrigley Field. Brett did good (I guess the subtle hints I left around the house really worked).
We went to our friends' house for Christmas dinner. Hallie played with their 2-year-old daughter while we visited and laughed at the girls. It was a perfect ending to the holiday weekend.