We don't have snow very often in Memphis, so when it comes, it is a major event. Wednesday night we had a dusting in the city, not enough to cause too much commotion, but more was yet to come. Hallie and I woke up this morning to a blanket of white outside our windows! What a lovely sight, and what lovely words to hear on the morning news, "Memphis City Schools closed!" (Hallie's daycare follows the Memphis schools' weather closings.) I, of course, had to stay home with Hallie, so it was a snow day for me, too. Hallie and I went to the bookstore then McDonald's for lunch. Before that, we built a snowman. Oh, did I mention, 8 hours later, it's all melted!
The snow is not very heavy...making it hard to pack...
but, we finally did it! Here is Hallie's snowman!